How to Install Splunk 9.x on Ubuntu

Lets take a look at the steps needed to install Splunk 9.x on a Ubuntu Linux server. There are more best practices you can follow during the install. Make sure to check Splunk Docs for more best practices. This should be a good place to start.


You will need to have sudo or root privileges to run commands and install packages.

Step 1: Downloading Splunk

  1. Go to the Splunk website and navigate to the Splunk Download page.
  2. Sign up or log in to the page and access the “Choose Your Download” section.
  3. Click on the “Linux” tab and start the download of the .tgz file.
  4. Cancel the download and locate the “Command Line (wget)” option under the “Useful Tools” box.
  5. Copy the wget command provided, which should look similar to: wget -O splunk-<version>.tgz "<version>.tgz"

Step 2: Installing wget

To download Splunk using the wget command, we need to ensure that the wget utility is installed. Run the following command to install it:

sudo apt install wget -y

Step 3: Creating the Splunk User

Create a dedicated user for running Splunk using the following command:

sudo adduser splunk --disabled-password

Please note that the splunk user will not have a password and will require root privileges to switch into it.

Step 4: Downloading and Extracting Splunk

  1. Switch to the /tmp directory using the following command:
cd /tmp
  1. Download Splunk by running the previously copied wget command. Replace <version> with the specific version you want to install:
wget -O splunk-<version>.tgz "<version>.tgz"
  1. Extract the downloaded Splunk package to the /opt directory:
sudo tar -zxvf splunk-<version>.tgz -C /opt

Step 5: Setting Ownership

Change the ownership of the Splunk installation directory to the splunk user:

sudo chown -R splunk: /opt/splunk

Step 6: Starting Splunk

  1. Switch to the splunk user:
sudo su splunk
  1. Start Splunk by running the following command:
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start

During the initial startup, you will be prompted to scroll through and accept the license agreement. You’ll also need to create an administrator username and set a password for the user. Keep in mind that some Apps and Technology Add-Ons expect a user named admin to be present in the Splunk installation, so it is common practice to use admin as the first administrator username.

Step 7 (Optional): Configuring Splunk to Start at Boot

If you want Splunk to start automatically on system boot, follow these steps:

  1. Use the exit command to exit the splunk user into your user with root privileges:
  1. Run the following command to enable Splunk to start at boot, specifying the splunk user:
sudo /opt/splunk/bin/splunk enable boot-start -user splunk

Step 8: Accessing the Splunk Web GUI

To access the Splunk Web GUI and continue the configuration, open a web browser and enter the following URL, replacing <IP/Hostname> with the appropriate IP address or hostname of your server:


Next Steps

Once your initial setup is complete, here are some items I would look into completing next: