How to Make a Syslog-NG Config with Examples

How to Make a Syslog-NG Config with Examples

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a Syslog-NG configuration that caches and organizes syslog data on disk. Additionally, we will delve deep into the structure of the config, examining each option we utilize. Finally, we will explore configuring ‘catch-all’ entries.

January 19, 2024 · 13 min · 2567 words · Emlin
How to Install Syslog-NG on Linux - Ubuntu and Debian

How to Install Syslog-NG on Linux - Ubuntu and Debian

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Syslog-NG on your Ubuntu or any other Debian-based Linux distribution. Syslog-NG is a powerful logging and event management tool used widely in cybersecurity and system administration. Follow these steps to get it up and running on your system.

January 18, 2024 · 2 min · 372 words · Emlin